Adult ADHD Assessment and
Diagnosis in the UK

At Diverse Diagnostics, we understand the unique challenges of living with undiagnosed ADHD as an adult. Our team of expert psychiatrists provides comprehensive Adult ADHD Assessments throughout the UK. We believe an accurate diagnosis is the first step towards finding an effective, personalised treatment plan to help you thrive.

Seeking help can feel daunting, but you don't have to go through this alone. Our NHS-experienced consultants listen with empathy, understand your symptoms, and work collaboratively to develop strategies that empower you to manage your ADHD and unlock your full potential. 

Understanding Adult ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects both children and adults. While often associated with childhood, ADHD persists into adulthood for many individuals. Individuals can enjoy a fulfilling life without their symptoms impacting their day-to-day life, provided they get the right treatment. 

Adult ADHD manifests through core symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. However, these symptoms often present differently in adults compared to children.

Living with undiagnosed ADHD can significantly impact:

  • Mental Health - Strong link to anxiety, depression, and other conditions.
  • Daily Life - Procrastination, forgetfulness, and difficulty managing tasks.
  • Relationships - Emotional struggles, impulsivity, and time management issues.
  • Work/Education - Challenges with focus, organization, and task completion.

Not Sure if You Have ADHD?

If you recognize the challenges described above and suspect you may be experiencing symptoms of adult ADHD, we can help. Our team is dedicated to providing clarity, support, and guidance as you navigate the path towards diagnosis and treatment.

What You Can Expect From Your ADHD Assessment

We believe in a thorough and patient-centred approach to assessment, led by an experienced Consultant Psychiatrist.

Here's what you can expect:
  1. Pre-screening Questionnaires:

    You'll complete online questionnaires designed to gather information about your experiences and symptoms.
  2. Comprehensive Adult ADHD Assessment:

    • In-depth discussion of your concerns, medical history, and challenges.

    • Exploring how ADHD may have presented throughout your life stages.

    • Assessing your current emotional and cognitive well-being.

    • Receive feedback about the assessment and a personalised treatment plan if diagnosed.

What happens after an ADHD diagnosis?

  • Medical Report: A detailed medical report outlining the diagnosis and treatment recommendations will be sent to both you and your GP. This ensures continuity of care.
  • Treatment, Therapy and Coaching: We'll work closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan that may include therapy, coaching, and medication management.
  • Medication: If medication is deemed appropriate, we can facilitate a referral to a consultant psychiatrist for medication initiation and management.
  • Regular Follow-up: We believe in ongoing support. We offer regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.

What are the Benefits of an ADHD Assessment?

Receiving an accurate diagnosis of ADHD is an empowering step. It allows you to:

  • Gain an accurate understanding of your symptoms
  • Access tailored treatment plans
  • Improve daily functioning and relationships
  • Enhance mental health and well-being
  • Feel Empowered Through Knowledge and Support

Why Choose Diverse Diagnostics for Your Adult ADHD Assessment?

  • Our Consultant Psychiatrist-Led Team: Our team possesses extensive experience and specialised training in adult ADHD.
  • Thorough and Patient-Focused Approach: We prioritise your comfort and well-being throughout the entire assessment process.
  • Use of Standardised Assessments and Diagnostic Methods: We adhere to the highest standards of clinical excellence, utilising gold-standard assessments.
  • Commitment to Accurate Diagnosis and Personalized Care: Your individual needs and goals are at the heart of everything we do.